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Jagmeet Singh

Sales Representative

Call+1 (647) 740-6708 Call Gur Sappal+1 (905) 565-9200 Mailinfo@realtorjagmeet.com

Jagmeet Singh has an extraordinary ability to work with different clienteles and an unparalleled sense of analysis and understanding of their needs. His success in real estate depends on his collaboration with his fellow Realtors from all real estate banners, in order to always support his clients in finding what they need. Jagmeet has, to his credit, the design, development and management of innovative residential real estate projects aimed at optimizing quality of life, community and inter-generational values. Thanks to his strong dedication and the hard work of a large team wishing to update their vision that his clients can secure their dreams. He wants to make a difference in your real estate experience by listening to what really matters to you to maximize your well-being.

Jagmeet Singh

Sales Representative

Call+1 (647) 740-6708 Call Gur Sappal+1 (905) 565-9200 Mailinfo@realtorjagmeet.com